LINER LETTERS — Through Volume 15 (2015)


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Volume 15 – Issue 5     EPI Celebrates 35th Anniversary 

Volume 15 – Issue 4      Safety First

  Continue reading LINER LETTERS — Through Volume 15 (2015)

Digging Up the Past

Couple team members from EPI, spent a couple days in Mancelona, at EPI’s old plant, digging up old test pond liners. The first three liners, 36 Mil XR5, 50 Mil PVC and 30 Mil PVC were placed 27 years ago in 1986. The liners vary in product type, age and supplier. It was a dirty job but stay tuned to learn more about the process and testing















Continue reading Digging Up the Past

EPI Employee of the 2nd Quarter 2015

Congrats to Dale Sensabaugh
EPI Employee of the 2nd Quarter

Dale has worked for EPI for a year. He grew up in the Detriot Metro area where he went to Plymouth High School. He moved to Traverse City in 2010. Working at EPI, he likes how he is always doing something different and gets to work on specialty projects. Away from work, he enjoys disc golfing ,going on family outings and being with his 10 month old daughter and girlfriend of 3 years, Kayla.

At EPI he has been an contributing memeber of the GeomemBrains and most recent work on the floating cover prototype.

His hard work and drive is something we strive in with every employee here at EPI.

Keep on the good work Dale!

  Continue reading EPI Employee of the 2nd Quarter 2015

EPI Gives back to Local Public Servants & Military

” Hero’s are those who strive through life’s steep climb and never give up”

Here at EPI we decided to give back to our local hero’s.

July, 1st 2015 we had a cookout for Local Public Servants & Military members.

Grand Traverse metro Fire Department  Station 1, Station 11 and station 12, Grand Traverse Police Department & Grand Traverse Emergency Serivces just to name a few came out for the free food.

These men and women do sacarfice a lot to provide us with the freedom, peace of mind and safety.

A simple thank you, can never cover everything they do!

Chief Parker & Dan Rohe 

EPI Empolyee’s Son enjoying the Firetruck. & Local Firefighters & Emt’s enjoying the food.


  Continue reading EPI Gives back to Local Public Servants & Military