25 Years of Dedication to Quality


Please Share In Our Appreciation

This week marks the end of year 25, and the beginning of year 26 of dedicated service by EPI’s Quality Control Manager, Mark A.C. Wolschon.
The entire EPI team gathered for a luncheon today to honor Mark(and his wife Sue), and thank him for all he does in assuring we provide the highest quality product to our customers.


Please take a moment to email Mark and congratulate

him on his 25 years of dedication to quality.

Continue reading 25 Years of Dedication to Quality

LINER LETTERS — Through Volume 15 (2015)


These archived copies of The Liner Letter are in Adobe Portable Document Format with MANY EMBEDDED HOT LINKS. Click on Tips & Tricks for more information on fun ways to navigate our Liner Letter.

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Volume 15 – Issue 5     EPI Celebrates 35th Anniversary 

Volume 15 – Issue 4      Safety First

  Continue reading LINER LETTERS — Through Volume 15 (2015)